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What is Kokikai Aikido?
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Kokikai Aikido is a martial art, that was developed by Sensei Shuji Maruyama.
Sensei Maruyama's teachers were Morihei Ueshiba - the founder of Aikido and one of his best students - Koichi Tohei, who has established the Ki Society International.

Aikido is effective, powerful and, at the same time, soft martial art. It does not rely on muscle power but rather on the power of relaxation and correct mind-body coordination. It enables you to apply your opponent's force against himself.

Kokikai Aikido is not just an effective self defence technique, it's also a means of self-improvement that helps to realize your full potential in your everyday life.

The principles of Kokikai Aikido can help you to improve your health, to learn concentration and relaxation. This principles of mind-body coordination could be used by men and women of all ages.

Kokikai Aikido is based on 4 Basic Principles:

  1. Keep One Point to develop calmness

  2. Relax progressivly

  3. Find Correct Posture in everything

  4. Develop your Positive Mind

The site is maintained by Albert Cogan E-mail: acogan@zahav.net.il